Friday, May 27, 2016

Macross Delta Episode 4 : A Shocking Debute. No, Really. You have no idea.

Right, so. Macbeth Delta Episode 4 : A Shocking Debute. It's aptly named folks. Before I extricate the alarmingly sticky components of this episode. I just want to remind everyone that this is the bloody theme song.
I post this as if someone told me that, I would have been skeptical. Oh look, another triangle.
Anyhow the story picks up again on planet Windemeer, home of the Blowhard Knights and settles particularly on one Bogue. Or Bouge. Or Bourge.

I'm calling him Booger.
Booger is doing what the Blowhard Knights do, rambling about fighting and wind. This continues until Lord Hermann turns up, who is everyone's favorite uncle or somesuch. Cut to some dank cave, where Windemeeran Princess Whatserface is singing exhaustively at crystal things to the delight of one Roid Brehm- who's name is so bad I can hardly think of worse.

This in turn is interrupted by the arrival of the Princess' Brother, who needs her 'Song of the Wind'. Which, along with the crystal things is effectively causing roidrage.

Further revelation of things like 'Why are the Blowhards so pissed at Earthlings' are then prevented by the main theme. After fun is had inside of you, we come back to a celebration at Rugyumyum, officially welcoming Manic Pixie Freyja and also for some reason Shlub Immelman into Musical Girl Squad and Delta Squadron respectively. They are to have their debut at a Waccine perfomance on planet Randor. Waccine.

First up however, Ernest has some words for the audience- which are cut short by other members of the Tactical Sound Unit. I have taken the liberty of writing what I believe he would have said.

-" I have to wonder what I was thinking. You have a berserker illness and someone says 'How about we have magical girls sing at the sick?', and we did it and it worked. It WORKED, Biojissure wobblefucks smoothing the rage aperturewhatervers. It's nuts, right? Goddamn nuts. But it worked- and here we are. It's... it's a good thing, but I don't even know what's real anymore. I know, I know, I look confident in my smashing mafia guido outfit- but it's just a facade. If I didn't have my booze... Well, fuck it, ARM WRESTLING TIME!" 
But cut off he was and off he goes to arm wrestling, at least after everyone toasts the newest members. Pixie swears to devote her life to Musical Girl Squad and Shlub is tapped to speak but we are saved from his stupid stupid words by another cut. People are drinking heavily, Ernest is beating arm-wrestlers two at a time, fried fermented spiders are put on offer and a local Ragnan woman attempts to seduce Ace Pilot Messer by gently waving her tits at him. Screenshots can't capture that though and I can't be arsed to figure out how to animate a gif to that end.

Her efforts are thwarted by a local brat who informs us that not only does Musical Girl Squad's singing soothe the Roidrage-afflicted but attending live performances provides a measure of resistance to Roidrage. Hence why they have, again, Waccine performances. Waccine.

We also learn, cutting back to Shlub and Pixie's table, that the performances really do have to be live as Musical Girl Squad generates Biological Fold Waves which are again what cures Roidrage. Recorded songs are next to useless.


Take a moment, dear reader, to imagine you are at some manner of feast with some random person's child sitting at the same table in arm's reach. They are talking with a bit of food on their face. Most people would inform the child to clean up. A parent might reach out to wipe said food away.

Shlub, on the other hand...

Yes, that's what it looks like. Shlub wipes the food off of some little girl's face and then pointedly licks it off of his finger.

This is a weirdo destined for a love triangle involving a 14-year-old. They shouldn't be recruiting him for an elite unit, they should be fitting him for an ankle tracker and issuing a court order keeping him well away from schools and playgrounds.

Purple Elf Girl takes an opportunity to tell Shlub that this performance could be attacked so he should follow orders. You can easily guess how that pans out. 

Meanwhile at the bar Commander Arad is being asked if Pixie and Shlub have been informed about fold receptors. Despite Pixie and shlub being told about Biofoldwhatevers at the table a little earlier, apparently they have NOT been informed about biofold receptors.

Ace Pilot Messer then avoids the further risk of boobs being gently wafted at him by returning to base while Pixie bemoans eating too much.

Fortunately Shlub is right there with a curative drink, lacking additives. This time.
They then retire to the balcony to chat and ask Pixie if she has adjusted to Planet Ragna. She has, she says, as it's much like her hometown. Aside from the fact that it is absolutely nothing like her hometown in any way.

Outside of Rugyumyum, the eldest member of Musical Girl Squad, Mikumo, is doing the perfectly sane thing that is aggressively attempting to seduce the literal stars.

Or communing with her Star Goddess, assuming she doesn't believe she IS a Star Goddess.
Mikumo has a question of the stars though.

Did she forget, or did she never actually know in the first place but they kept her around just because she wandered in? Like Shlub. So many questions, so few answers that could possibly be good.
Moving on and the SuperMegaZord detaches one of it's aircraft-carrier arms that Shlub likes to throw himself off of and we're enroute to planet Ragna. Despite being the rankest, on many levels, of new recruits Shlub has been issued a top-of-the-line VF-31 Siegfried Jetmech that he has only seen for the first time now they are enroute to the mission. A mechanic aptly notes they are pretty much wasting it on him. All the same, the charming lesbian couple of Musical Girl Squad has seen fit to custom-tune it for Shlub's personal petty preferences so he doesn't have to wear a helmet. Unless things go squiffy in which case he's supposed to use a different helmet.

Pixie, suffering from self-doubt, turns up and we learn that an offworlder visiting her planet gave her a space-MP3 which set her on the Musical Girl Squad path. Shlub gives her a pep talk reminding her that she can fly if she risks her life and Pixie realizes that she doesn't need to worry about the performance because she'll be dead by 30 anyway, stating as much.

It is then revealed that Windermeerans such as Freyja all die young in return for extreme physical capabilities of an undisclosed nature and glittery tentacles on their head.

Finally we approach Randor. Musical Girl Squad is in a huddle and Space Nudist Mikumo asks Freyja what she will be singing for. Freyja is saved by answering by another member asking what Mikumo sings for. To avoid admitting she has no goddamned idea, Mikumo responds with an unnerving proposition.
If Pixie fails to satisfy Mikumo tonight... Mikumo will kick her out of Musical Girl Squad.
Oook. Well, Shlub is in good company. Apparently.

Then they huddle and flash Musical Girl Gang signs at each other before showtime. Music plays, Musical Girl Squad throws themselves out of a jet and spout "Music is love!", "Music is hope!", "Music is life!", "Music is mystery!", "Music is energy!" and finally "Music is Shrek!" while nanomaticholofuzzhits transform their attire into the Biofold-lubricating cocktail dresses.

The entry goes well for the most part except for Pixie's who appears to have had no training for this whatsover. She is saved from certain death via terminal impact with the stage by Jetpanties. 
Or a bad case of laserburrito indigestion.
Fortunately she is Special, like Shlub and the crowd is less appalled by her incompetence as enraptured by her adorable fumbling. Once she's straightened up and Mikumo has had an opportunity to ask the audience to hear the 'Songs of a Goddess' Pixie introduces herself as the newest member of Musical Girl Squad- Freyja Wion, from Windemeer, who loves apples and...
Clearly her mind is on the troubling task of satisfying Mikumo tonight.
The performance begins with Musical Girl Squad's first song, 'Uncertain Cosmic Movements'. Mikumo takes a moment to remind Pixie that if she flubs it she's fired.

The performance goes reasonably well with Musical Girl Squad Holonanomafuckiting their outfits into schoolgirl uniforms and pointedly jiggling their breasts to launch the first song. Though it turns out Pixie's biofold receptors remain unlubricated and inactive despite Mikumo's motivational efforts and Shlub performing the Merkin Maneuver for the audience. 

Fortunately they are suddenly attacked by the Blowhard Knights of Windemeer. After an initial volley of missiles classier singing is heard, heralding an a Roidrage Outbreak.

Said roidrage outbreak, clearly controlled by the singing, takes specific control of the planetary defense force of Randor, forcing Delta Squad to fight them while Musical Girl Squad triea to get over how the Blowhard Knights have disabled their holographic backup dancers (which were actually biofold amplifiers). Ace Pilot Messer does the heavy lifting while Mirage the Space Elf tries to disable the enemy jetmechs nonlethally and the now expected cat-stroke dogfight begins.

Shlub, meanwhile, special snowflake that he is, eschews using his state of the art fighter jetmech to dance around and fistfight

'Biofold Amplifiers' active or not, Mikumo is the first to start singing again and, now that there is a fair chance people will die, Pixie joins right in with head tentacle erect and glittery.

Well, Booger's not wrong.
 Anyhow, Biofold Receptacles Lubed up and Active, Pixie finally earns her keep and the music starts to cure the Roidragers. Meanwhile it's announced that elsewhere in the galaxy the Windermeerans have conquered a planet with their army, prompting the Blowhard Knights to reveal themselves, nanoholowhatziting their jetmechs to reveal their coats-of-arms, transform their jetmechs into knight-mech-mode, do a bit of skywriting and display a holo-image of Chancellor Roid Brehm..

Delta Squad and Planet Randor's defense force collectively allow them to do this uninterrupted. Polite to a fault really. The Blowhard Knights really took advantage of it. At the end of it a translator reveals a deep attraction to Booger.

I'm sure they would.
At the end I could not possibly prescribe an accurate amount of alchohol for this, though any number of drinking games could be made for it.

My disdain for Hayate Immelman has hit new levels and quite frankly this is a universe that desperately needs Space Child-Protective-Services. If it weren't for the reckless use of Roidrage to target civilian populaces by the Windermeerans I would heavily argue that these Blowhard Knights are quite possibly the good guys.

Ah well. Here, have a music video that is both more and less creepy in ways I find much more acceptable. Audibly not-work-safe. Visually... Uh... Well... You'll see.

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